Thursday, March 12, 2015

week #5 - my #9

I have 9.  9 faces that make me smile every day.  9 perfect little people that give me my reasons.  They range all the way from 18 years, down to preschool.   I love them grandbabies.

........this is my #9.  Quincy. Sometimes I call her "Max".  That's her nana name.   When she sees me her eyes light up.  I love it.  This picture was taken last Thanksgiving.  She had all this lipstick on, and I asked her if I could have a kiss on my cheek.  I just wanted her to leave lip marks on me.  She shook her head no, at first.  But she finally came over and kissed me on my cheek.  As soon as she did, she looked at her Aunt Misty and whispered...."is it all gone?"  All I could do was give her a hug and tell her she still had plenty on her lips!

I don't know if you have any grandkids.  So you might have to change the dynamics of this weeks layout for yourself.  Maybe you could highlight your kids?  Friends?  Dogs? Hobbies?   Whatever you decide to highlight for your challenge, just have fun with it.  I can't wait to see what your #9 is!!!!!!

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Week #4 - I miss this...

As this weeks title depicts, I miss a lot of things since we bought this bar. Trust me, Life after bar leaves almost 0 time for anything family oriented.  I try not to dwell on it too much, because this was my decision after all.  I do try.  I try to keep up with kids and games and parties.  I most certainly almost always fail, but I DO try.  As far as recreational time DURING work?  Again, almost 0 time for that. I remember Jim once threw his hands up and said that he was pretty sure owning a bar with a TV meant that he would get to watch EVERY football game.  HA!  Never.  Trust me, not only can we not watch, but we can't even listen.  So for the Super Bowl this year I had a surprise up my sleeve.  I had this great idea that if we had someone work for us during the game, we could maybe WATCH the game!  It was perfect.  I had Jim believing that it would be him and I working, and I kept asking him how much of the game we would actually be able to watch.  The poor guy looked so miserable when he said probably none.  So.....when Keely walked in and just got behind the bar, he was confused to say the least.  He just looked at her, and pretty soon she said, "Jim you can go sit down."  His reply was that he didn't know she was coming in to work.  Her reply?  "That's because it was a surprise!" He looked my way, and my smirk said it all.  I forgot how fun it can be to sit and watch a whole entire football game!!!  We all played FOOTBALLL B INGO, everyone got prizes.  Did I mention lots of food!?  First Super Bowl (or any) football game we've seen in it's entirety in about, oh, I'd say........4 years!!!!  I remember thinking....I miss this........

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Week #3 - Oh Man...

Ok, So I know I'm late this week.  Flu, ick.  That's all I'll say about that.  On to week #3.  For this layout, I am going to expose the frivolous side of myself.  I've always been the type of girl that when I see something I want I just get it. If there's money in my pocket, the item is soon in  my possession.    Not a bad thing.  And it's fun!  I mean c'mon!  And I almost always have a good reason, or the perfect place to put it, or even the perfect person to give it to! BUT!  I have  a confession.  When it comes to the cute little flash drives, like the ones you see in the picture on this page.......I LOVE THEM!  I can't even tell you why.  It started with one, for music, I think?  Then one for pictures, I think?  When did I lose control?  I have ABSOLUTELY no reason to buy another one.  I didn't even count them, just dumped them out.  Now you might think that they all have content.  You know, pictures or data.  Some useful information, being stored there until I need it.  (And actually, the Nemo's and the turtle's were for our 2 Maui vacation pictures.)  Nope.......nada!  I have an external hard drive that I use for that kind of stuff!  These are just for fun?  Just look at them!  So after the owl, I was done, told myself I didn't need anymore.  Then, I saw Charlie Brown.  Who could resist?  Right?  So he joined the party.  Now I'm done.  Whew.  Felt good.  Until.  I.  Saw.  The.  Elephant!!!!!  *face palm*

Monday, January 19, 2015

Week #2 - My Shoes...

I've always liked shoes.   No matter how many pairs I have, it seems a new pair will catch my eye.  Not that I need anymore.  I have shoes.  A LOT of shoes.  Some I haven’t worn in a very long time.  Like the moccasins that Jim got me when we were first married.  I love them.  And I have some white canvas tennis shoes that will completely disintegrate  if they go through the washer one more time!  I should throw them in the trash.  But, they hold their rightful spot up stairs along with all the other shoes. And I go through stages.  I remember one year I liked wearing sandals.   Right now, my stage is boots.  I love them.  From these little combat boots, to the knee high zipper up the back ones. And add a pair of boot cuffs to the mix, and you can’t go wrong!  At present I have 5 pair? And the other day I saw the coolest pair at Walmart.  Probably a good thing they didn't have my size.  So the million dollar I too old for boots?  I don’t know. Maybe.  In someones's eyes I am?   Will it keep me from wearing them?  Nope!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Week #1...2015 Goals...

Ok, so for this layout I chose 'goals' as apposed to 'resolutions'...... mainly because I've made New Years Resolutions before, and I can honestly tell you I suck at them.  I lack will power, stamina, whatever you want to call the factor that makes you stick to a 'resolution', I am lacking that!  I admit it freely!  Now a GOAL, heck, that's a no brainer.  I can do that.  Remember, this album (project) is about self discovery and acceptance.  For that reason, I chose these for my goals for 2015.  These few things on this page. I think we all need to have them.  Maybe yours are different than mine, more than likely they are.  But, these are my 5.  I DO want to smile more.  It's way healthier and easier than frowning, and not attractive at all. It's a proven fact that if you smile, the people around you smile too! I say "smiles all around"!  And I absolutely accept the fact that I'm not perfect.  I've been shown, I've been told, and I have found out first hand.  but really, who is?
 And as for spending time with the small 9 people that love me, there can't be enough of that.  I know I have not taken that seriously in the past, and I have to live with that. But in the future, I am all theirs anytime they want me if i can make it happen.  At the moment I'm happy.  The last ting on my list of goals.  I have spent too much time trying to change the things that I can't. whether they are things about me or things about my job or things about my family.  I give up and finally get it.  I can't change those things that I can't change.  They are what they are.  And I'm good with that!  Wow, it feels good to say that.  See there?  This page has already done it's job! It's going to be a day full of smiles, I can feel it!

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Project Fifty2

Hi!  Welcome to my scrapbooking blog.  Let me explain my P52 concept.  A few years ago, I chanced upon a blog online.  It was a year long challenge to make a page a week, all about yourself.  The blogger that was in charge of the challenge did an amazing job.  Every week she would post her page, complete with her reasons for that individual layout.  My friend Bonnie and I worked on this challenge together, and we had alot of fun.  One more way I can leave a 'footprint' for my grandkids families to enjoy after I'm gone.  In all honesty I'll admit that the last few layouts are not completed in my album, BUT, they will be some day.  The sketches are there in their rightful page protector places, waiting.   Sooooo....long story short, I decided I wanted to do it again, and this time be the one in charge.  I can only hope I do right by the original blogger, and make her proud.  Feel free to follow along, by reading every day, or by making your own sketches or pages, and leaving your very own 'footprint'!  Lets get started!